February 24, 2014

Outfits for college

Hello everyone!
Today's post will be about outfits to wear at college. This time I'll take the job to arrange an outfit for each day of the week. 
In Panama when we are in school most of the students use uniforms, for this reason is that the post is focused on university students.

Hola a todos
El post de hoy sera sobre que outfits utilizar para ir a la universidad. Esta vez me tomare el trabajo de organizarle un outfit para cada día de la semana.
En Panamá cuando estamos en la escuela la mayoría de los estudiantes utilizamos uniformes, por esta razón es que el post esta enfocado a estudiantes universitarios.



Sin título #6


Sin título #5

{Girls, as the post is dedicated only to girls, I chose a different bag for every day, but that does not mean you should have a bag to match every outfit, is just to you have more ideas about what kind of bag you rather to use, although it is the university and there are girls who prefer to use a purse, I am a medical student and in a purse nothing would fit me at all, so I recommend bags/suitcases which always make your outfit look beautiful. Furthermore, I think an important tip is to not have the same look every day, each day you can switch from sandals to slippers, from a shirt to a warmer sweater, you choose, clothe yourselves depending on the mood of the day}

{Chicas, ya que el post esta dedicado solo a chicas, escogí una maleta diferente para cada día, pero eso no quiere decir que deben tener una maleta para combinar con cada outfit, es para que tengan mas ideas sobre que tipo de maleta utilizaran, aunque ya es la universidad y hay chicas que prefieren usar carteritas, yo soy estudiante de medicina y en una carterita no me cabria nada, así que les recomiendo bolsas/maletas que siempre hagan su outfit verse hermoso. Y creo que un tip importante es que no tienen que vestirse igual todos los días, cada día puede variar de sandalias a zapatillas, de un sueter mas pegado a uno mas abrigado, ustedes escogen, vístanse dependiendo del animo del día}


Anonymous said...

I really like them all. Nice combinations pluss so fresh :3

Anonymous said...

I really like them all. Nice combinations pluss so fresh :3