May 5, 2013

Farming at home

Hello everyone, I know I have really neglected my blog! I have no excuses to have it like this, of course that the university is consuming most of my time. But today I woke up early and decided to use wisely my time, and transplant some pineapples and peppers, which I planted in some pots. Also, I planted  melon and garlic seed I got.

Hola a todos, se que tengo mi blog muy descuidado! No tengo excusas para tenerlo asi, claro que la universidad esta consumiendo casi todo mi tiempo. Pero bueno, hoy me levante muy temprano y decidi aprovechar mi tiempo, y transplante unas piñas, ajies, y pimentones que habia plantado en unos potes. Ademas plante melon, y ajo de unas semillas que consegui.

If you have any question about how I farm this, just leave me a message.

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