December 29, 2012

La educacion prohibida

Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you a video that I have been watching about the education! Its name is "LA EDUCACION PROHIBIDA"{the prohibited education}. It is a very interisting video about the mistakes we have made as a society and about what we should start doing to repair them.

Hola a todos! Hoy decidi que queria compartirles un video que he estado viendo sobre la educacion. Se llama la EDUCACION PROHIBIDA. Es un video muy interesante acerca de errores que hemos cometido como sociedad y acerca de lo que deberiamos empezar a hacer para repararlos.
Enjoy it!

Instagram December pictures

Hi guys! Well, since I had not done anything amazing lately to post! I decided to post some of my last instagram pictures!!!
Hope you like them! Xoxo
Btw: here are some pictures of my prom dance!

 instagram: aleisabelb

December 24, 2012

From January to December

Hi everyone!!! I'm making this post from my cellphone because I really want to share this picture of me! I feel really really happy of everything I did this year! Let me tell you that on january my weight was 144 pounds and now it is 125 pound! I know I'm not that thin BUT it is reallyyy better! So here is!

December 6, 2012

Casco Antiguo

These are some pictures I took in a visit to Casco Viejo. Hope you like it.
Estas son algunas fotos que tome en una visita al Casco Viejo.

I love how this man sings, once I heard him singing "banana boat", it was amazing.
 Me encanta como canta este señor, una vez lo escuche cantar "banana boat" fue espectacular
This was an argentinean who create this while we chat, with my name!!!
 Este fue un argentino que creó esto mientras conversabamos, con mi nombre!

Super Science Galaxy


 These photos are from the Science Week at my school, which is in October, this year as seniors, we decided that the week would be based on Super Mario Galaxy, since this is the year of self-sustaining energy. In addition to presenting our projects, we did a night show where several presentations were made as modeling, choreography, singing, which were locked in a great play. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

 Estas fotos son de la semana de Ciencias en mi escuela, que es en Octubre, este año como SENIORS decidimos que la semana se basara en SUPER MARIO GALAXY, ya que este es el año de la energia autosostenible. Ademas de presentar nuestro proyectos, hicimos un night show en el que se hicieron diversas presentaciones como modelaje, coreografias, canto, que se encerraban en una gran obra de teatro. Espero que les gusten las fotos.

Here are some of the videos of the choreography /Aqui estan algunos de los videos de las coreografias.

When I loaded the videos on youtube, the lost its HD! sorry