April 16, 2012

Back to Cupcakes

I had so much time without doing cupcakes that I can not believe it. The last time I did was before I went traveling, and I spent a month there, and I've been here almost two months. I think I neglected my business too and today I realized that I did not want to do more. I love to make cupcakes, it's something I really enjoy, and look forward to doing it.
Here I leave some photos of the cupcakes I made today.

He tenido tanto tiempo sin hacer cupcakes que no puedo creerlo. La ultima vez que hice fue antes de irme de viaje, y estuve un mes alla, y aca he estado ya casi dos meses. Creo que descuide demasiado mi negocio y hoy me di cuenta que no quiero hacerlo mas. Me gusta mucho hacer cupcakes, es algo que en verdad disfruto, y espero seguir haciendolo.
Aqui les dejo unas fotos de los que hice hoy.


xxyy said...

looks delicious! I love cupcakes! xx


Unknown said...

thanks! i love them too! :D