April 30, 2012

My first oficially photo shoot

As I told you before, I'm a photographer, and yesterday I made my first oficially photo shoot. I'm just going to post somes pics for you to see my work. And tell me, how you would like to take you a picture or what tips would you give me?
Como ya les dije tambien soy fotografa, y ayer hice oficialmente mi primera sesion de fotos. Solo publicare unas cuantas fotitos para que vean mi trabajo. Y cuentenme como les gustaria que les tomaran sus fotos o que tipo de tips me darian.

April 26, 2012

Cupcakes business

As always I've been busy these past few days, but I had to take time for my business of cupcakes because these days I have had many requests and I have to take advantage of circumstances.
As I said I love baking and here I want to show some of the last orders I have made.

Como siempre he estado estos ultimos dias ocupada, pero he tenido que sacar tiempo para mi negocio de cupcakes porque en estos dias he tenido muchos pedidos y tengo que aprovechar las circunstancias.
Como ya les dije me encanta hornear y aqui les quiero mostrar algunos de los ultimos pedidos que he hecho.

April 21, 2012

Chicken with vegetables

Today I prepared the lunch in my house, because my mom was not at home, I made Japanese noodles of rice and chicken with vegetables, they were delicious. I think that besides the desserts I also like to cook salad food.

Hoy prepare el almuerzo en mi casa, ya que mi mama habia salido, hice unos fideos japoneses que son de arroz y pollo con vegetales, quedo delicioso. Creo que ademas de los postres tambien me gusta hacer comida salada. 

April 18, 2012

Inspirations for a sunny day

{Taken from/Tomado de http://vivaluxury.blogspot.com/}

{Taken from/Tomado de http://www.myshowroomblog.com/}                                                    

These are some pictures that I have used lately like inspirations to combine new clothings.

Estas son unas fotitos que he utilizado estos ultimos dias que quedan de verano como inspiracion para combinar prendas nuevas.

April 16, 2012

Back to Cupcakes

I had so much time without doing cupcakes that I can not believe it. The last time I did was before I went traveling, and I spent a month there, and I've been here almost two months. I think I neglected my business too and today I realized that I did not want to do more. I love to make cupcakes, it's something I really enjoy, and look forward to doing it.
Here I leave some photos of the cupcakes I made today.

He tenido tanto tiempo sin hacer cupcakes que no puedo creerlo. La ultima vez que hice fue antes de irme de viaje, y estuve un mes alla, y aca he estado ya casi dos meses. Creo que descuide demasiado mi negocio y hoy me di cuenta que no quiero hacerlo mas. Me gusta mucho hacer cupcakes, es algo que en verdad disfruto, y espero seguir haciendolo.
Aqui les dejo unas fotos de los que hice hoy.

Today dress

Hello everyone, you must have alredy noticed that I have a long time without writing, what happens is that I'm really busy with school and I have no time for me, thank God this week the exams were over and I had time for a family outing!
Here is the outfit I was wearing:

Hola a todos, ya habran notado que tengo mucho tiempo sin escribir, pues lo que sucede es que estoy ocupadisima con la escuela y no tengo tiempo ni para mi, gracias a Dios esta semana se acabaron los examenes y tuve tiempo para una salida familiar! Aqui esta el outfit que use: